Policy portal | Finance Watch

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This policy portal provides a public interest perspective on the issues at stake and ongoing legislative debates in the field of financial regulation.

As major rules for financial institutions are set at the EU rather than national level, EU legislators play the key role. Adequate rules are of crucial importance, as the size, complexity and influence of the financial system have reached unprecedented levels. Challenges like digitalisation or accelerating climate change need to be addressed too. There is a long way to go to make finance truly serve the economy and society.



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Position paper

How can safer banks hurt the EU economy?

Finance Watch publishes a critical analysis of a report on the EU implementation of the final Basel III framework by Copenhagen Economics for the European Banking Federation. It aims at balancing the...
Consultation response

Consultation response on EBA’s proposals for a STS framework for synthetic securitisation

Position paper

Three reforms to strengthen the Banking Union and the euro area

As a complement to a hearing held on 7 November 2019 by MEP Pedro Marques as rapporteur for the Banking Union Annual Report, Finance Watch published a technical brief on the financial...
Consultation response

Consultation response on draft guidelines on loan origination and monitoring

Open letter

Our letter to the EBA on top official’s alleged move to lobbying organisation

Update 28/10/19 -> You can now sign a petition organised by the Change Finance coalition.
Position paper

Game-changer: Financing the European Green Deal

A civil society briefing on financing a fair ecological transition
Consultation response

Response to EIOPA consultation on sustainability within Solvency II

Position paper

Libra: Heads I win – tails you lose

Finance Watch releases a highly sceptical initial assessment of plans to create a new global stablecoin, Libra.
Consultation response

Response to the consultation on Distance Marketing of Financial Services


What makes credit so risky? A consumer perspective

Finance Watch’s research paper on consumer credit and its contribution to over-indebtedness.
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